Cells are microscopic living units in the body, which together form all living organs in the body. At any given time or state, the human body is made up of a billion cells, which together constitute the human organs. Cancer as a disease is considered to be a very deadly disease, just because of the fact that the disease affects the human cells. In cancer, abnormal and unusual cells crop up in the human body and they grow and spread in the human body at an alarming and fast rate. The abnormal cells grow and star spreading at a very fast rate. Usually, the normal cells divide and grow up to a certain level and then they die after a little time, unlike the unusual cells which do not follow the normal rate of growth and division. The cancer cells keep on dividing and continue growing on unlike the usual cells. The cancer cells unlike the usual cells do not die and start getting clumped together, which in turn forms a tumor.
It is said that cancer actually is a stage in the body when the cells turn, “trophoblastic”. Trophoblastic is a situation in the human body, when the cells in the human body tend to multiply at a faster rate than the normal. This stage can be explained for example, when a human body gets an external or internal injury, then the cells of the human body start the healing process, by starting to multiply. In case, the cells are in a trophoblastic stage, then although the cells start healing, but they don’t stop multiplying, thereby causing a lump. This in medical term is also called as a tumor. This lump goes numb even if the body controls the growth of the trophoblastic cells and proves to be highly injurious if the cells keep spreading. The removal of such tumor would rather lead to the uncontrolled growth of those trophoblastic cells, because of more effected sited due to the operation, and thus result in increasing the cancer.
The known medical treatments for cancer are radiation therapy and chemotherapy. But neither radiation therapy is effective due to the reason it creates more wounded parts and thus increases the cancer cells, nor chemotherapy is effective because it adversely effects the immune system of the body and the body holds no-more ability of natural healing.
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