If asbestos-containing materials are disturbed during remodeling or demolition projects, the fibers that are released, can be a health hazard for anyone who comes in contact with them.There is no known safe level of exposure to asbestos.Asbestos minerals are divided into two major classes, serpentine and amphibole asbestos – which differ from one another both physically and chemically.In places where asbestos occurs naturally, it is sometimes found in dust from unpaved roads or driveways surfaced with ultramafic or serpentine rock.In-Depth Information: Asbestos is a term used to describe six naturally occurring incombustible minerals.Unlike other minerals, which consist of tightly bound crystals, asbestos minerals are characterized by the presence of densely packed fibrous bundles.Determining whether a product contains asbestos requires analysis at a certified laboratory.Overview: The term asbestos refers to several varieties of mineral fibers that are mined and processed for commercial uses around the world.Because asbestos cannot be detected by sight, fibers may remain airborne for extended periods of time and cause a persistent inhalation health hazard.Until a product is tested, it is best to assume that the product contains asbestos, unless the label or the manufacturer verifies that it does not.
WHAT IS ASBESTOS?All asbestos should be avoided.The fibers are dangerous when inhaled because they attach to the lungs remain there for a long time.They may also be found in transite pipe use for water and sewage systems, or vent pipes for furnaces and boilers.It has been used extensively in insulation products and for providing fire resistance to buildings.Serpentine Asbestos: This type of asbestos is found in California’s State Rock and consists of one type of asbestos fiber called chrysotile.It can take 15-40 years after exposure to asbestos for cancer or respiratory diseases to develop.Asbestos minerals formed millions of years ago when heat, pressure, and chemical activity changed the physical and chemical characteristics of pre-existing rock.
It also exhibits high tensile strength.Because asbestos fibers are microscopic, lightweight and are extremely resistant to heat and chemicals, asbestos became a valued building material throughout the 1900s.Of the amphiboles, amosite and crocidolite have been used the most extensively.After the late 1970s, asbestos became widely recognized as a serious health hazard.
Because of those characteristics, chrysotile has been incorporated into thousands of commercial products including insulation, cement products and roofing materials, and is the type of asbestos most commonly found in buildings.Chrysotile has white fibers that are very fine, flexible and heat resistant.Asbestos occurs naturally in the environment around the world, including Central and Northern California.These products were used primarily in high temperature applications where great thermal resistance is needed, such as high pressure steam line and boiler block insulation.Amphibole Asbestos: The amphibole group contains five asbestos minerals.This type of rock is found in many parts of California, mostly in Central and Northern California.